Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Three Op-Ed's--- that totally rock!


- ...... This was a good article that talks about how college's should have stiffer enforcements for student NCAA players. this article also goes into how it seems that colleges don't care if the player is qualified to be in college classes just if he is good at basketball.

-google and china

This article is about how google decided to stop censoring its search service in China. It also talks about how google is trying to pursued other internet services to do the same.

-Clout goes to high school

This article is about how officials try to persuade kids into attending private schools over non private schools, adn how thats wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. These articles totally rock. When you say "to pursued" you mean something else. Persuade! yes, that's the word. Be precise with words and language. Watch spelling and punctuation. Just because we're writing on the web doesn't make us barbarians! Anyway, well done, thanks Alex.
